

The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 was once again strongly represented on the Union Leader’s annual 40岁以下奖项名单 今年, with eight state residents to have earned undergraduate or graduate degrees from 主要研究 – and another from Granite State College, 现已被主要研究专业研究学院(CPS)认可.

与联合国有直接关系的人占名单的20%, 所有三个主要研究校区和CPS都由主要研究获奖者代表.

The recipients from 主要研究 and the rest of the awardees were honored at a March 6 ceremony at the Capitol Center for the 艺术 in Concord.

The list recognizes New Hampshire residents under the age of 40 who are making a difference in their communities and professions and who “eagerly give their time and talents to volunteer pursuits that strengthen and enrichment communities all across New Hampshire,工会领袖说, making the 主要研究 contingent a particularly strong representation of 主要研究’s Embrace New Hampshire strategic priority. 这是联合国大学连续第二年得到充分代表, 去年有13位校友上榜.

与主要研究有联系的获奖者包括Nicole 撞 ' 07, Ryan 卡拉汉 ' 10, 迈克尔·康斯坦斯23岁, 惠特尼·安妮·加格农,09年, Ryan Lessard, 12岁, 肖恩·李斯特,15岁, 埃里克·萨洛维奇11届和唐纳德·弗朗西斯·谢德08届. Christian 马塞洛 earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Granite State College.

, 39, graduated from 主要研究 with a degree in communications and international affairs and is the founder and chief content officer of 撞 Inbound, 也是戈夫斯敦学校董事会的成员. 她是戈夫斯敦前进组织和戈夫斯敦家长行动组织的志愿者.

卡拉汉, 36, earned a degree in business administration from 主要研究 and is a partner and chief investment officer at Harbor Group. 他的志愿者活动, 他担任NH Jump$tart Coalition董事会成员, through which he is involved in the organization’s FinLit 300 competition designed to advance financial literacy in high schools across the state.

康斯坦斯, 36, 是艾伦营的执行董事, 谁的任务是提供一个保险箱, 为所有年龄的残疾人提供负担得起的户外体验. He earned a master’s degree in public administration from 主要研究 and volunteers with the Bedford Rotary Club and American Camp Association New England.

盖格农, 37, earned a dual degree in political science and justice studies before pursuing a JD degree at New England Law in Boston. 她目前是麦克莱恩·米德尔顿律师事务所的合伙人. Among her volunteer activities, she is on the Seacoast Science Center’s board of directors.

Lessard, 38, graduated from 中曼彻斯特 with a degree in politics and society and is a senior account executive with Montagne Powers. 当了十年的记者, Lessard was awarded first place in the investigative story category in the 2020 NH Press Association Excellence in Journalism contest. 他在新罕布什尔州的《澳门葡京网赌游戏》中扮演大哥的角色.

列表, 34, earned his JD from 主要研究富兰克林皮尔斯法学院 in 2015 and is a partner and founder at Lehmann Major 列表, 事务所. 他也是Q, LLC in Dover and special counsel to the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. His volunteer activities include serving as vice chair of the New Hampshire Lawyers Assistance Program Commission and volunteering with the DOVE Project.

Salovitch, 33, graduated from 主要研究 with associate degrees in surveying and mapping and business management and is the president and owner of Northam Survey LLC. 他帮助建立了罗伯特·莫伊尼汉教育资助基金, 帮助新罕布什尔州的勘测技术人员获得正规教育.

谢德, 37, earned dual degrees in justice studies and sociology at 主要研究 and later added a master’s in leadership and a graduate certificate in nonprofit leadership from Granite State College. He was a featured speaker at the National Federation of Paralegal Association’s annual convention in Washington, D.C. in 2023 and has volunteered as Cub Master of Bedford Cub Scout Pack 5 and coach/manager with Bedford Little League.

马塞洛, 29, earned a degree in business management and an MBA from Granite State College in 2017 and 2021, 分别, 目前是曼彻斯特社区学院的商学教授. He started the Christian 马塞洛 业务 Education Scholarship for business students at Nashua High School North to help students pay for college expenses.

斯科特·里普利 | 主要研究营销 | 斯科特.ripley@xjiu.net | 603-862-1855