自由为Mzeirigue ' 22G铺平了回家的道路


面对深刻的社会不公,一些人听到了行动的号角. 阿利翁·西迪·姆泽里格22G, a self-described member of the Hratine former slave community in the Sahel region of Africa, 培养对践踏人权进行斗争的强烈热情. 毛里塔尼亚人, Mzeirigue is among the inheritors of descent-based discrimination stemming from a traditional caste system and intergenerational slavery, a community locked into a cycle of poor education and limited opportunities beyond farming.

“为了摆脱奴隶制传统的束缚, 叙利亚人需要受教育的机会. To support them on a practical level I send money to my family and community,Mzeirigue说. “在政治层面上,我游说国际社会承认他们的权利. My long-term goal is to participate in the creation of a United Nations declaration of human rights to help my community recreate their future through education and opportunity.”

在他老师的坚定支持下, Cheik奥斯曼, Mzeirigue broke through social and financial constraints to become the first member of his community to receive an education beyond primary school. 在他的祖国, 他在科学大学获得了社会工作学士学位, Technology and Medicine as well as a master’s degree in migration and borders studies from the University of Nouakchott. 支付大学学费, Mzeirigue做过几份工作, 包括保安, 街头小贩和社会工作者.

Within Mauritanian antislavery organizations such as Counterpart International and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (主要研究CR), Mzeirigue has worked as a social worker and a refugee protection assistant and is currently a United Nations liaison officer at the Inclusivity Project in New York City. 因为他们的使命是促进全球可持续发展, 他的项目获得了联合国经济及社会理事会的经社理事会地位.

With his multi-lingual talents and first-hand knowledge of West African marginalized communities, Mzeirigue secured a position as a rights expert at the Global Forum of Discriminated Communities (GFoD), an international organization that works for the rights of communities impacted because of work and descent across the globe. 这些边缘化群体包括南亚的达利特社区, 巴西的Quilombola, 欧洲的罗姆人社区, 以及非洲萨赫勒地区的贝拉和赫拉廷社区.

"Every course in the global conflict and human securities program taught me skills applicable to my career ... 主要研究 became my American family whose help and encouragement made my success possible."

作为一个致力于在他的祖国消除奴隶制的社会活动家, Mzeirigue密切关注毛里塔尼亚的政治事件. 他指出, focused on maintaining their own power structure without regard for public needs, 现政权压制了个人自由. 尽管毛里塔尼亚拥有丰富的自然资源, many young people emigrate to the west to find education and employment opportunities. 看到非洲活动人士冒着被捕的危险,Mzeirigue深感悲痛, 酷刑和监禁,但他仍然致力于与这些不公正作斗争.

Mzeirigue recently started his own business (Green Sands Consulting) with plans to develop statistical research on slavery, immigration and human security as a resource for non-government organizations working in West Africa. 确保他的新事业成功, 他正在积极地建立一个政治网络, 完成项目管理证书, 以及数据分析和财务方面的培训.

To advance his career and further expand his knowledge in international development, Mzeirigue意识到硕士学位将是无价的. The fully online global conflict and human securities master’s program at 主要研究 offered an excellent range of courses rich in content for his area of interest. 毕业典礼那天,他走上讲台,接受联合国大学的毕业证书, Mzeirigue说,他感觉自己的精神飞上了天空, not only for his personal achievement but also for the pride of his community in Africa.

“Every course in the global conflict and human securities program taught me skills applicable to my career. I use the Theory of Change assessment and evaluation template in my daily work at the United Nations to capture each critical step of a humanitarian project map,Mzeirigue说. “作为一名在线学生, I initially struggled to make the leap from the printed word to digital communication, 但是学校的团队为我实现目标提供了坚定的支持. 主要研究 became my American family whose help and encouragement made my success possible.”

Mzeirigue's values are deeply rooted in his vocation as a human rights activist, 但当谈到女儿的出生时,他的脸就亮了起来. He hopes that one day the Hratine community in Africa will enjoy the same personal freedoms as his American-born child.

“毛里塔尼亚是我的家. 美国是我的家. 当我为边缘化群体的权利而战时,我就像在家一样. 只要我能自由地表达自己,我就是家. 正义是我对全球社会的梦想,”姆泽里格说.