

In 2017, when the heat pipes at the 汤普森应用科学学院 began failing, 主要研究的校园能源经理, 亚当·科勒03年, wanted more than a quick fix — he wanted to know what system would be the most effective from a cost, 效率和可持续性观点.

进入可持续发展研究所, which tapped incoming sustainability fellow Renata Hegyi to conduct the background research for a public utilities commission proposal and a contractor RFP.

结果? 10月, 主要研究完成了其新的西北供热厂, 以该校第一台生物质锅炉为特色, which delivers heat and hot water to five campus buildings sustainably, 使用当地种植和加工的木片.

“Renata’s work with the energy office shows the power of experiential learning,詹妮弗·安德鲁斯说。, 可持续发展研究所的项目主管. 她有一个有意义的暑假经历, and we used her work to make decisions for campus infrastructure. 谈谈影响改变.”

