Our Work

Our Work
UNH Thompson Hall tower in the autumn

Case Studies

营销工作通过数字和印刷通信以及在达勒姆校区的媒体关系外展来推进UNH的使命和声誉, Manchester and Concord. During the last year, 销售和宣传工作集中在五个优先领域:征聘, advancement, Embrace NH, research and leadership and branding.

UNH students

Reaching students — that’s what’s behind our recruitment campaigns. 无论我们是想与本科生、转学学生还是研究生建立联系,在美国.S. or abroad, through direct mail or digital communication, video or print ads, our message regarding UNH’s unique culture and qualities is strong, and it’s the same — you belong here.

NH lighthouse

Marketing develops communication strategies that support alumni relations, annual giving, donor relations and development efforts, 使用广泛的营销材料和方法来达到预期的目标. We use print, email, online, social media and video assets to promote a range of strategies and campaigns.

UNH Students with Youth at STEMS events
Embrace NH

UNH is making a difference in New Hampshire. 我们的毕业生填补了帮助我们的企业蓬勃发展和推动国家经济的工作岗位. Our groundbreaking research helps solve problems in our communities, across the country and around the world. 市场营销正在努力提高人们对UNH在加强花岗岩州经济和生活质量方面的作用的认识.

marine research vessel from drone

As a top-tier research university whose findings can impact lives, UNH always has compelling stories to tell. 市场营销有助于分享这些故事,同时通过针对五个我们处于领先地位的强大研究领域:生态和环境,创造出对UNH整体卓越的认识, marine and space science, climate change, American history and vulnerable populations.

UNH Wildcat sculpture
Leadership and Branding

市场营销通过持续的信息传递和推广大学的主要举措来支持联合国大学的领导, achievements and positions through media relations, public affairs, government relations and advancement/fundraising relations.